Ideas for using machine learning in an organizational context

share with your fellow participants some of the examples you come across during your research. Consider the business function where machine learning is deployed, and how this deployment is impacting the business. You may want to structure your response by considering the following questions:





Based on what I am reading about and researching, I would pick  agriculture and medicine as being two important industry's using  AI and Machine learning. Agriculture because we need to feed an ever growing population and medicine as we have to save an ailing human species. 


A Berlin base company - PEAT has create an application that "diagnose pest damage, plant disease and nutrient deficiencies affecting crops and can offer corresponding treatment measures. "  All this could be done on your smart phone.    Globally small/ large farmers  are benefiting from this app and their by gain competitive edge for sustainable farming.  This company was named as one of the "6 changes of the world companies" by Fortune.


The other industry is medicine.  If you are an AI practitioner,  you would have certainly read about how "researchers used a machine-learning algorithm to identify a drug called "halicin" that kills many strains of bacteria" . This is a big discovery as over the last couple of decades "very few new antibiotics have been developed".  With machine learning  this now shortens the life cycle for finding out cures to various illness.  This is just a competitive advantage. but a life saver  !