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Thanks for visiting. My name is Peter Dawson and I am tracking idea's within Special Interest and Technology  groups. My current interest's is within IT, Knowledge management and Business Transformation paradigm's within the Supply Chain and Trade Management Vertical. My old Web pages  from 2004-2006 are in archived mode here


Please read my About Me Pages


My Official Bio can be found on Linkedin





Interest Groups



  1. TorCamper's. Torcamp is an informal "regional slang" generally referring to the people in Toronto involved in the whole Technology camp scene. There is a proposal to host Torcamp.ca domain for this group. 
  2. BarCamp Hyderabad. An area with endless possibilities and a great deal of local relevance in India for Mobile Applications.
  3. BarCamp Montreal. Whose Leaders were inspired by the success that BarCamps in other cities (especially Toronto) have had in gathering together Web 2.0 and other high-tech entrepreneurs.
  4. RSS Advisory Group, whose charter is to better the RSS spec's. The mailing list has some good pointers and the direction that they mold RSS into.
  5. Pinko Marketing, which I opinion, is a strong disruptive paradigm that cuts through Blue Ocean Strategies.
  6. Microformat's-Designed for humans first and machines second. The Micro format Wiki has more information. Along with Microformats, there is the microfill initiative.
  7. Project Golden Sheild, Computing as a Tool for Government Repression.
  8.  Supply Chain Today - Community Manager for a Largest Supply chain Group (+80K members) on Linkedin
  9. BackDoor's -  Man pages of interesting Backdoor aligned hardware /software. 
  10. HackingRFID L - I have started a another group for  and related Gen2 RFID topics. This group has been created due to the push for RFID and the lack of a independent security body governing this technology. Current Attacks have shown how easy it is to "clone" a passport and proximity cards. But real research has been limited to these subjects. Nothing has really been published on Enterprise Wide Attacks. The attacks are real. They do exist. We will be releasing some open source tools very soon as a PoC of severe vulnerabilities.
  11. Recommendation 36 :- collaborating  and elaboration of a new recommendation -Rec36 for the United Nations (UNCEFACT).
  12. Admin a FB group for  MIT Entrepreneurship community








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