
Quality Gurus Compared

Page history last edited by /pd 14 years, 8 months ago

With many thanks to  Mary Murphy who  culled many tidbits during her many years of reading and reseraching.  At the end Mary created a nice  consolidated, simple comparison white paper on the Gurus of Quality !!


I tip my hat to Mary :)-





Crosby-Corporate VP at ITT for 14 years, responsible for world wide quality operations.

Deming-Trained under Walter A Shewhart (father of SPC). Developed sampling techniques for the Bureau of Census. Became a key adviser to Japan in 1946.

Juran-Trained under Walter A Shewhart (father of SPC). Became a key adviser to Japan in 1954.

Joiner-Trained under W Edward Deming. Created consulting firm, Joiner Associates.

Conway-Elected CEO of Nashua Corp 1979. First US Executive to hire Dr. Deming as a consultant in 1979. Formed consulting firm, Conway Quality, Inc.



Crosby-Conformance to requirements.

Deming-A predictable degree of uniformity and dependability at low cost and suited to the market.

Juran-Fitness for use, response to customer needs and freedom from deficiencies.

Joiner-Defined by the customer, scientific or data-based approach, all one team.

Conway-Development, administration and execution of consistent services that our customers want and need.



Crosby-Responsible for quality

Deming-Responsible for 94% of quality problems

Juran-Less than 20% of quality problems are due to workers

Joiner-Requires active leadership of top management

Conway-Management must create will and belief in the continuous improvement process




 Crosby-Zero defects

Deming-Quality has many 'scales', use statistics to measure performance in all areas, critical of zero defects

Juran-Avoid campaigns to "do perfect work"

Joiner-Decisions are based on data, not guesswork

Conway-Work toward no waste



Crosby-Prevention, not inspection

Deming-Reduce variability by continuous improvement, cease mass inspection

Juran-General management approach to quality, especially 'human' elements

Joiner-Focus on improving products and services by improving how work gets done

Conway-Focus on elimination of waste in the work process



Crosby-14 steps to quality improvement

(Management commitment, quality improvement team, measurement, cost of quality, quality awareness, corrective action, zero defect planning, employee education, zero defect day, goal setting, error-cause removal, recognition, quality councils, repeat)

Deming-14 points for management

(create constancy of purpose, adopt a new philosophy, cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality, end the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag alone, improve constantly and forever every process for planning-production-and service, institute training on the job, drive out fear, breakdown barriers between and within departments, eliminate slogans, eliminate numerical quotas, remove the barriers that rob people of the right to pride of workmanship, institute a vigorous program of self improvement, transformation is every ones job)

Juran-10 steps to quality improvement

(identify customers, discover customers' needs, translate those needs into language, establish units of measure, establish measurements, develop a plan that can respond to those needs, optimize product design to meet our needs as well as customers' needs, optimize product design to meet our needs as well as customers' needs, develop process which is able to produce the product, optimize: prove process capability, transfer to operations)

Joiner-7 step method

(project, current situation, cause analysis, solutions, results, standardization, future plans)

Conway-5 step approach

(surveys, imagineering, the principles of work, the simple charting techniques, sophisticated statistical tools)




 Crosby-rejects statistical acceptable levels of quality

Deming-Statistical methods of quality must be used

Juran-Recommends SPC but warns that it can lead to a 'tool-driven' approach

Joiner-SPC should be used to understand processes better and make decisions on improvement teams

Conway-Statistical surveys to determine areas to improve on



Crosby-A 'process' not a program

Deming-Continue to reduce variation and eliminate goals without methods to support

Juran-Project by project approach, set goals

Joiner-Satisfied workers are more likely to join in continuous pursuit of quality

Conway-Waste is the difference between the way things are and the way things would be is everything was perfect



Crosby-Use quality improvement teams and a quality council

Deming-Employee participation in decision making; breakdown barriers between departments

Juran-Team and quality circle approach

Joiner-Breakdown the barriers of communication and promote an environment of mutual trust and respect

Conway-The principles of work help analyze and improve all work processes



Crosby-Cost of non-conformance, quality is free

Deming-No optimum, continuous improvement

Juran-Quality is not free, there is an optimum

Joiner-No cost, improved quality ultimately leads to better return on investment

Conway-Need to find and quantify waste where possible, waste = money



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